Sunday 23 July 2017

UPR and Estimation of URR

1. Unearned Premium Reserve (UPR) is that portion of premium which is not earned by the insurer. The insurer has to maintain a premium reserve for this unearned period to meet their ongoing obligation to the policy holder. It is normal for insurer to use the 1/24th method for Non-Marine classes and for Marine, it is a norm to provide on basis of 25% of total net (of reinsurance) premium as unearned as at the end of each financial year. 

2.  Unexpired risk reserve (URR) works somewhat similarly like UPR. However for URR an actuary will be called to assess the development of losses with reference to time factor. The insurer needs to maintain an extra level of reserve (usually in the form of PROVISION FOR PREMIUM DEFICIENCY) if the appointed actuary deemed that the specified ‘unearned premium reserve’ level is not sufficient to meet its ongoing or future obligations.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Reinsurance Basics - Part 3 - Quota Share and Unearned Revenue

1. As a financing mechanism, a quota share treaty is very important to provide surplus relief

2. The more surplus (assets minus liabilities) a company has to “back up” its premium writings, the more financially stable that company will be.

3.Regulators focus on insurer solvency and apply what is known as “statutory accounting principles” which are very conservative. 

Monday 10 July 2017

Reinsurance Basics - Part 2 - Pro Rata Quota/Surplus Share and XOL Treaties

1. As described earlier, pro rata, also called “proportional,” is a form of reinsurance in which the reinsurer shares a proportional part of the original losses and premiums of the ceding company. Pro rata forms are often used in property insurance, since this form provides catastrophic protection in addition to individual risk capacity

2. There are two distinct types of pro rata reinsurance - quota share and surplus share.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Reinsurance Basics - Part 1 - Fac/Treaty and Pro Rata/XOL

The purpose of reinsurance is to spread risk. This post provides a simple overview for those new to the industry.