Sunday 26 November 2023

Can European renewables still turn a profit?

1. The European Union’s ambitious renewable energy target mandates at least 42.5% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable sources by 2030. For that to happen, developers need positive returns on their renewables investments.

2. With technology costs not evolving as hoped, where will the sources of project profitability come from instead?

Sunday 19 November 2023

Vietnam looks to build first semiconductor plant

1. Vietnam is looking to build its first semiconductor plant despite US warnings that it will involve high costs.

2. Reuters reported that officials have met with half a dozen US chip firms in the past few weeks, including with Vu Tu Thanh, head of the Vietnam office of the US-ASEAN Business Council.

3. According to one executive consulted by Reuters, the government in Hanoi is looking to build a plant for less advanced chips used in cars or telecom applications.

4. The Vietnamese government has said it wants to build its first plant by the end of this decade and  chip companies would benefit from “the highest incentives available in Vietnam”.

5. The move to attract chipmaking investors comes after a surge in FDI inflows in the country. According to national statistics, Vietnam attracted over $15.29bn in FDI between January and October 2023, marking a 54% year-on-year increase in the value of investments. Around $5.29bn was spent on 1,051 existing projects.

Saturday 11 November 2023

7 Btpa of carbon capture needed to meet net zero by 2050

 1. Urgency is needed to meet the seven billion tonnes carbon capture (Btpa) required to meet net zero goals in 2050.

2. Energy efficiencies, renewables and alternative fuels will not be enough to meet net zero by 2050.

3. We need a huge amount of carbon to be captured out of our industries and the power sector to decarbonise the last miles that can’t be easily reached by green electrification or alternatives. 

4. Right now, we are on track to meet our base case scenario, which forecasts 2 Btpa of CO2 capture and removal by 2050 – though this corresponds to a  2.5 degree global warming scenario. For net zero by 2050 and a 1.5 degree compliant scenario we would need 7 Btpa. To come close, we need to get shovels in the ground quickly.

Saturday 4 November 2023

Five trends to watch for in the electrolyser supply chain

 1. The electrolytic hydrogen sector is rapidly expanding, with over 85 Mtpa of projects announced and cumulative factory announcements exceeding 218 gigawatts of electrolyser capacity by the end of Q3 2023

2. In the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy, the burgeoning electrolytic (green) hydrogen sector has made remarkable strides. Over 85 Mtpa of electrolytic hydrogen projects have been announced. This surge in electrolytic hydrogen has brought focus to the electrolyser supply chain, which will need to expand at an unprecedented pace to meet anticipated demand. By the close of the third quarter in 2023, cumulative factory announcements had already surpassed 218 gigawatts of electrolyser capacity.

3. As this sector matures and gathers momentum, profound transformations across the electrolyser supply chain are coming. From product design and operational strategies, to enhancing overall profitability – a shift in paradigms seems inevitable – heralding an exciting era of upheaval and innovation in the electrolytic hydrogen ecosystem.