Saturday 4 June 2022

Key Differences Between Automation & robotics and How Robotics Solving Labor Shortages

1. Here are the key differences between automation and robotics and how to use them to your advantage.

2. Robots have emerged as the top solution to labor shortages. Persistent labor shortages have since debunked the idea that robots are somehow stealing jobs from humans. On the contrary “ robots are enabling humans to go after the jobs they truly want.

1. Automation is the use of automatic hardware or software to automate specific tasks or a number of processes in a business. You can implement automation in a variety of ways, such as a custom solution for your company, as a part of a robotics solution in your facility, or as a SaaS solution.

2. The applications for automation are virtually endless nowadays, as there is a piece of automation equipment or a piece of software for almost any use and any department in an organization. For example, according to the  latest Ecommerce trends, automation has become a big part in operations management, but also marketing, customer service, and more.

3. But Ecommerce is just one of many industries where automation has countless uses, with the goals of automating repetitive tasks, minimizing financial and time waste, and maximizing performance. As a software solution, you can use automation for:

- Repetitive and menial tasks
- Warehouse management
- Order processing from numerous sales channels
- Team monitoring, workflow, and communication
- Scheduling and posting on social media
- Buying advertising space across the web

1. On the other hand, robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and computer science, involving the design, construction, operation and use of robotics. As the name implies, a robotic solution is a piece of sophisticated equipment or machinery used to assist humans and businesses overall in their daily operations.

2. The key difference between automation and robotics is that the former is used to automate specific tasks while robots are machines that can be programmed to complete a variety of different tasks. With  robotic process automation, which we’ll talk about in a minute, you can combine the two for maximum effect.

3. Robotic solutions are primarily used for industrial purposes, but numerous other industries are increasingly leveraging this technology to boost operational efficiency.

4. Ecommerce is increasingly using robotics to improve order processing, warehouse management and goods retrieval, as well as storing, packaging, and shipping. In manufacturing, engineering, and construction, robotic solutions help improve worksite safety, accuracy, and time to completion.

1. Robotics process automation is the process of designing, building, and implementing software robots that mimic human actions and is often referred to as software robotics. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics process automation is seeing widespread implementation across the world.

2. According to the 2022  RPA trends and predictions, revenue from robotic process automation is poised to hit $13.74 billion by 2028, indicating that businesses, investors, and governments are increasingly investing in RPA innovation. This should come as no surprise, as software robotics enables companies to automate key processes, enable remote work, and minimize financial waste across the board.

3. Software robotics is a big part of digital transformation and the implementation of smart solutions across the business sector. One of the most obvious use cases is the implementation of chatbot technology and conversational AI in general.

4. But RPA extends far beyond help desk support and chatbots, and reaches into complex applications in everything from manufacturing to finance, administration, risk mitigation, and more.

1. As mentioned before, automation comes in many forms, and oftentimes you will need to implement it as a SaaS solution or use automation features as a part of a dedicated tool. Automation can be found all around the web,  driving marketing and sales processes, employee management and performance tracking, all the way to onboarding and more.

2. From an  online video editor used to fuel your video marketing efforts, all the way to automated workflow and team management tools, you can use software automation to cut financial waste and improve efficiency. You can also build a standalone solution specifically for your business, leveraging AI and machine learning to design a powerful proprietary automation tool to fix a unique pain-point in your company.

3. Whether it’s a part of a web-based tool or a SaaS product, or if it’s a custom solution, software tools are nowadays commonly used to automate many menial and even complex tasks. Needless to say, this will help empower employees and boost satisfaction in the workplace.

1. Combining software automation and robotics is one of the best ways to enhance business security on-site and in the digital world. Automated software-based security like firewalls and secure web gateways are great for  preventing data theft and cyber-attacks, while robotics can be used to elevate the physical security of your business.

2. Now that smart robots are increasingly substituting on-site security, business leaders can use robots to patrol and oversee the business premises with ease. Security robots can connect with other IoT security solutions on the premises such as motion sensors and cameras to create a comprehensive security system.

1. The deployment of robots in the workforce is concentrated in several specific industries and job types. In general, robots are well suited to perform manual labor, repetitive tasks, or dangerous jobs. In addition to physical robots, such as rovers or robotic arms, artificial intelligence algorithms are unlocking robotic process automation in a number of roles, as well.

2. Water Treatment - Robots are helping the water industry in a variety of ways. For example, robots can be used to autonomously clean the inside of storage tanks at wastewater treatment facilities. This is not a job many people would want to do manually and it may even be dangerous. With a robot, no human entry into the tank is needed. Similarly, robots have been developed to swim through pipes and autonomously detect leaks.

4. Outdoor Labor - Manual labor tasks are among the most common roles people are likely to quit during the Great Resignation. Luckily, many robots are ready to fill these unoccupied positions and maybe even help the environment along the way. For example, robot lawn mowers are being used to fill labor shortages in landscaping. With an electric mower, operators save on fuel and reduce emissions while caring for their natural scenery.

5. Manufacturing - One of the first applications for robotics in the workforce was manufacturing, and it remains an extremely popular sector with robotics. With many manufacturers losing workers at the same time they are trying to improve sustainability initiatives, robots provide a solution on several fronts. For example, startup AMP Robotics has raised over $16 million dollars for its recycling facility robotics tech.

6. Customer Service -  Artificial intelligence has evolved significantly over recent years, pushing it far beyond simplistic chatbots. Thanks to machine learning and natural language processing, AI algorithms can now effectively fill customer service roles in a variety of industries. These algorithms are capable of processing and responding with natural speech patterns, enabling them to answer most questions successfully. This allows companies to have a small team of human customer service agents, supported by AI agents.

7. Hospitality - Interestingly, robots are finding success in hospitality roles, in everything from food to caretaking. For example, a robot has been developed that can autonomously make pizzas, serving one of the largest markets in the food industry. Meanwhile, AI-powered robot Stevie helps nurses in senior living facilities by socializing with residents, playing games with them, and helping to monitor their well-being.

8. Agriculture - Robots are even taking to the outdoors and filling critical roles in the agriculture industry. Agricultural jobs can be perfect for robots since they often consist of repetitive manual labor. One agricultural robot that made headlines in 2021 was an apple harvesting robot that can pick one apple every seven seconds. The robot uses a camera and AI to detect if the apples are ripe yet before picking them.
